Tuesday, 30 September 2014

A journey it has been, a ride!!!!!

The last 2 years have been the first exciting of exploring and tunnelling into the unknown.

It is full of ups and downs, lots of adjusting, adapting, acceptance, forgiveness, self love, 

Lots of insights, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

Letting go again is much needed.
Lots of honouring to be done, self convictions, a renewed heart with more courage face a new day

Forgiveness has to be done again and again.

The values of my core can be hidden.
With challenges, set backs, 
It can sometimes be so hard that my heart can become bitter, angry, disappointed.

But, the spirit realm begins to manifest at times like this, dispite whether i am a practising christian in a traditional way, or I 
see spirit in the ordinary person I meet. 
It could be the lady whom i buy my tea every morning, or the lady who wakes at 7am to sweep my code area.

The goodness that i feel from them can makea difference how i start my day.
WHAT is it that makes me smile?

A real person is someone who can be herself or rather adapts herself to the environment, respects each other's self worth and right without trying too hard to survive.

When we can look each other in the eye and see the goodness and beauty, we can then begin to perhaps love and care from our hearts.

Live by tut he values that makes us strong and beautiful inside, to others i can look like a fool, but something inside starts to shift, i can  
then truely say, I am free, I can be honest, I can be myself.

What a freeing statement to live by.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Can we really be honest?

Forgiving and forgiven


It is a decision that has to be repeated again and again.
To choose to live by values and not by the results.
To believe beyond proof, a kind of faith through our senses and beyond.


Facing within and gaining strength from within and the positive energies