Even, if a mother forgets her baby, the Lord who created us could never forsake us.
When we came into this world, we were equipped with the antennas to receive and give love.
Even, the creatures of the wild knew how to nurse their young with tenderness and protective love.
A beginning of creative power streamed into being.
It was in our mother's womb..that life came forth.
The place where we were woven, a sacred place.
A nurturing place, from inside us, life came forth.
First, in our mother's womb.
Second, at our mother's breast, we learned trust.
Although, we communicated first through her touch,
her gentle soothing voice and eyes that looked straight into our souls while inside of her.
We learned about kisses, hugs and cuddles outside of her.
Everything about her, her smell, her touch,
her voice, her emotions were the only familiar thing we knew.
And, it was perfect!
We communicated, we connected.
We were heard and accepted.
Held and carried.
Consoled and encouraged.
It was as if time stood still.
We survived and thrived well without the need for language.
Sensing, feeling, reading, listening was all we needed.
Yet, we knew the precised language.
The language of LOVE.
The language of TOUCH.
The language of AFFECTION.
The language of KNOWING.
We knew the foundations to live a wholesome life.
For, it felt like the warmth, secured place of the home.
It was not just the food that filled us.
Or the milk that gave us life.
It was the nourishment flowing into our hearts, souls, and spirits!
Not of the body.
But, from heart to heart, soul to soul and spirit to spirit.
Melting the inner core of our beings.
Transforming us into beings of eternity.
The embrace of love became the beginning of a token.
The intimacy that we yearned for.
Appears not measurable.
Distinct yet uncountable.
Wired to belong,
to be accepted,
to be loved.
Had the power to affect our souls beyond comprehension.
We were lost along the way, some confused, some grew up.
We became doers rather than beings.
We interrupted the flow that once gave us the antidote to life.
We forgot that connection that once linked us to the sacredness of life.
Disconnected from our source.
Starved for affection, love and acceptance.
We became orphans in our hearts, souls and spirits.
Deprived of our homecomings.
The womb, the place where we first, had our needs met.
A sacred place, a hiding place.
Still waiting for us to claim our places.
Restoring life into our beings.
Lifting us up when we fall.
Guiding, guarding and building us again.
Ready for Affection?