Friday 21 November 2014

Learning from trees

If What I learned today about plants that are not yet a tree and also not a seedling or a sprout.
Noticing their vulnerability as like our teeth.
We wear braces, so do they.
They put on their branches and reach for the skies.
Whether, they
Stand upright and grow in size to allow their branches to spead and shade.
Depends a lot also with how they are cared for.

If you would care to see, they seem to need a little help to not move and sway in all directions.
Before their trunk grows in strength to withstand the rain and wind.
They have to be tied to a pole, a similar way how their parents grew too.
They hv to be guided, held.
Not rushing their puberty stages.

So, likewise when we embark on our growth journeys. We need to remember that even the tallest and oldest tree had to be led and supported.

For me it is humility, patience and gentleness that I learned from them.

Thursday 6 November 2014

The stages of living and facing truth

First, is ridicule.
Second, is violent objection.
Third, living in fear.
Fourth, finding peace in the decision made.
Fifth, learning to stand by me whether others agree, not letting others pull me to think otherwise.
Sixth, finding the courage and knowing if given the chance, I would still choose what I have choosen.
Seventh, letting go of the outcome, admitting when I have done wrong, but standing firmly for my values.
Eighth, protecting self against any abuse against my dignity and respect.
Ninth, forgiving and embracing.
Tenth, facing life sentence whether being carried out.
Eleventh, when you are prepared to give up your life because you choose to love and save the helpless and voiceless. Not running away because of punishment.
Twelve, it is when you truly lived your life without in vain. Truly loved and cared.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Closer than we think

Can you walk away when someone needs help?
Would you be able risk your life for someone?
How far under circumstances can one reach out?

Can this be taught?
Must one be given permission?

Perhaps fear is not at others' expectations,
it is my decision and courage to stand up for what my heart tells me,
That is most scary!

Dare to be real?

A playful pet
Waiting for its owner to return,
like a child all over again,
Wondering when my care taker will come and pick me up.

Against the odds,
Sitting at the mouth of a predator,
One false move,
I fall into the trap that is planned for me.

Courage, I need.
Risk, I invest.
Love, I bleed.
Relived, I am.

No fears, threats can defeat the spirit of true self and selfless love.
No promises to give,
In the face of love,
No mountains are too high,
No rivers to deep,
No pleas unanswered.