Monday 9 February 2015

Renewed in the Spirit of Peace and Love

Lines are the foundations of patterns, whether it is straight, bent, upside down, sideways depends on the brush of the artist within.
I decided to explore the lines that I see from nature.
The curls, wriggles, branches, roots, barks, creepers.
All spoke to the lines that were being explored. 
My desire was to connect these lines from one to another.
As I strongly felt they were connected to live together.
They shared the same soil, water, sunlight.
From this I discovered a house of safety and security.
Just as the curves were joined to become branches, roots and the pillar for this unborn baby.
I found that his umblibical cord became one of the creepers that gave him his food and water from nature.
And the womb that he was in was supported by a pillar.
And, at the base of the womb was a flight of stairs that was hung on the bark of the tree.
I felt I could retreat to this house as if this was built for me and i was invited anytime.
Almost, magical in this space.

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