Saturday 26 April 2014

To live is to die to oneself at the service of others

I finally understand the only home that we can have is not a place, an idea, but where your heeart liea, where you can love more than yourself, when u are more than your ego, die to the negative feelings and thoughts.
It is some to others motherhood, some creativity, some music making, some being a priest, some being a missionary.
It is when vocation calls, regardless of the results of the successes and failure s, it is the constancy to show up and keep doing what you are called to.
Even in the dessert, the rain, the doubting voices, the fears that you might not be going anywhere.The reality of dissappointments, but still pressing on.
It is the birthplace of your soul and spirit.
It calls, it wails, it beckons you back to u the reason why u are alive.

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