Friday, 4 October 2013


I like this word, LOVE.
It began before my parents were born, yet no one really knows.
Why is it so puzzling?
Why is it so difficult to have?
Why are we entrapped by it and our world seems to be in lack of it.
Every time, a boy dumps a girl or vice versa.
Even when a baby is born, she or he just flushed down the toilet bowl?
Our idealized world where no mothers are separated from their child or seen to let her young fend for herself/himself.
How would a child learn what LOVE is, if she/he did not receive or could not have the luxury of receiving a mother's love.
If everyone got what they should have got, would the world still having staving children, robbers, thieves?
When would LOVE be overflowing that earth becomes a paradise everyone wants to be in its warmth and laughter?
Be kind to all we meet today, for we never know what they are struggling and hungering for..

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