I used not to know this word.
But, as a mother of 3 lovely babies, I found my meaning of what Mother means.
It starts in the morning by greeting and hugging my babies and seeing whether they have slept well...
Giving them breakfast becomes part of that.
Afternoon time, is time for play, some hide and seek.
They often love my time with them, coming near to seek affection.
They would show me they are behaving well and taking care of one another.
By night fall, they will be at the sliding door waiting to get in.
They seemed to have large ears to be able to hear me at a distance, then scurrying over...
It is dinner time, they know their time almost by hard. They will be waiting at their eating bowls for their food, any sound would be the sign of their food.
After food, they would be so contented watching TV with grandma.
Initially, they would be, eventually they would love for a curdle and see who gets the longest cuddle tonight.
My day begins with them and ends with them, I know it means to do the same thing everyday, yet contented and satisfied that they are well, loved, fed, happy!
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