Wednesday, 29 January 2014


It is kind of strange when you meet someone
 and call him a stranger.
Though, we have been called to live at different times and places,
our common goal and ageless destiny on earth is death.
We meet someone, we are amazed at our likeness and wondered how it happened?
And after all that has happened, we find ourselves back to where we were.
We discard people that are in our lives like toilet paper.
The good ones we keep, the ones that annoy us, we ignor,
the ones that disappoint us, we keep our distance.
But, isn't Fate that brought us together, to learn from one another,to forgive,
To see that everything that happens, happens for a reason.
It doesn't happen by chance.
There is so much wisdom, love to take back whether our good intentions are reciprocated.
Aren't we learning patience, non-judgement in the process, rather to fill our hearts with discontentment and disconnectedness?
Think about it!

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