Friday 24 January 2014

The one and only treasure

Sometimes, things don't go the way you want them .
When your weakness play up, thinking by numbing them, they would not bother you.
The only time when you feel all right is when you realise the only thing you have is you and what you want to do with it.
It never feels that there is an easy way out, but the inner voice that whispers, surely my life is worth more than the just this, more than me just slipping by, indifferent to what reality is.
The voice that whispers, never give up on yourself, live your life seriously whether it is played out like a joke or it pays you back what you deserve.
Be true to this one life you have be given! Remind yourself till countless, and find your true self not dwelling in self-pity or excuses to want an easy way.
Strength, you will find that you never thought you had, regardless of externals and the results, you are the one and only treasure you truly have and will have.

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