Sunday 29 June 2014

I am loved

Perplexed with my values that I uphold,
Thinking it will bring me along a journey without or little storms.
Boy, so wrong am I in my immature thinking.
Life does not promise me that good deeds equals good life.
In fact, it has proven quite the opppsite.....
Commitment and good attitude seems not to be paying off the way I think it would.
No guarantee of monetary, emotional reward and respect.
Yet, to me it is like to keep and be true to my religion.
No rewards, what's in for me then?
I seem like a fool led to the wrong venue.
It makes it clearer what is important to me.
It is no longer a path I can control so easily.
Because, it is not about me anymore.
Even this place sucks, it is something I have chosen for now.
I hope to go through even I can't see the end of  what it might entail for me in the longer run which I can't grasp.
I can only hope,  wait with faith and know that a fair share of what I have deserve d will be given back on time.

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