Monday 3 February 2014

Expectation from an outsider looking in

I wondered when I started to realise that what I have been learning have been misled.
Lots of poor information have been circulating and a proper structured and tested out info have not been constructed.
When you have been in one area and digging your head in, it is time to not hide and play hide and seek games.
Feeling the climate of what is needed, expected has been always advancing and on the go of renewing itself, some have stay put, leading to the in effective usage of the body and its capacity to function.
Yet, there is no clear sign on where to move on to, where, what.

So, don't judge and say it is fine, when it is not, and don't criticise when there is nothing to be in a state of searching with no concrete plans to show for.

The state of mind of a onlooker is different from an insider, and so are his feelings.

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