Thursday 13 February 2014

Silent, kind, compassionate, the most important right now!

I have thought having answers were the solution.
Having a comment.
Showing my concern, with my judging tone.
Sometimes, why I don't I just shut up, be silent and accompany the person in front of me right now instead.
Just listen with love and acceptance.
JUST be at the rhythm, let it flow, let others have the right, space, own themselves and what ever they are feeling and thinking.
Let it be soft, rather than hard,
let it pour, rather than control,
let it ease, rather than cause more injury,
let the tide subside on its own time, rather than choosing a good time,
let the feelings be friends, rather than enemies.
Let it be, rather than fix it till it is right, let the healing do its own job,
let not intelligence, knowledge get in the way to the heart,
For the mind of your heart can open new doors to you, if you let heal, let it speak, let it show you the way.

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