Soul connection
To be fully human,
I must recover my heart, mind, body and spirit into theirs.
May I say the animals, flowers, trees, waterfall.
Since, we are but of the same spirit but in different forms.
We have lost our intuition because we shut out our hearts, trusting what we can only
process with.
We build layers of armour around it to be protected, only to fail more miserable ly.
We think we are the dominants ones, the rest should sumbit their wills.
We fail to listen what they are telling us, mirroring us, healing us, teaching us.
As a result, we become disconnected.
We think only the fittest survive, when it is cooperation that sens us looking out fir each other, thus harmony is formed.
We see what we want to see, we take what is good in harvesting, so as to gain.
But, we loose trying because we are disconnected aming our species and the rest.
soul connection will lead us home, the anicient people with no modern technology can teach us to be still and not always hurrying.
They teach us to observe our environment and what it is saying to us .
They teach us to be sensitive and knowing.
They teach us to be connected.
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