Sunday, 19 October 2014

Giving an extra mile without counting

Lodging in a temporary world,
I ceased to find my reward in the outer realm of reality.
But, not without moments of truth comforting and guiding.
Beauty in the few gems that pass by to chat.
Lifting the mockery of childlikeness.
Wonderful connection like tea and coffee.
My heavy eyelids, shuttering for a second,
will I still choose to live by values?
Shadowing the unseen, faith fastens,
Gleams of light piercing through even a tiniest thread of darkness.
Without counting the cost,
short lived happy moments are shrouded with Sacrifice.
Without struggling,
I eased  into a Tarantula, as if to release the poison from me,
my double edged sword witnessed this partnership.
Gladly, I melted with joy together in this collaboration.
Truth, my guide and friend
Thank you

Choosing Compassion Instead of being Right

Suddenly being alone,
As if facing the arrows and bows that shoots by day.
Tending to its confusion.
Anguish is mine to mend,
silent tears, commotion mounting.
Indignant remarks hurl across as the way to guide.
Stoic walls that look precarious.
Looking ahead, I see
Only judgment and a predicament that seals my fate.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

What is communication to me?

Intrigued by this mystery and immense gift.

What makes me happy at the end of the day?
What energizes me at the end of the day?
What fills up my heart, soul and spirit?

I relate this by expressing my joys, frustrations, patience, through my interactions with my babies.

Doing things together, taking walks,

struggling through the darkness, trials in life with hope,

forgiving one another, taking chances in trusting,

Through total acceptance and
reaching out,
respecting another soul,

understanding the beauty and ugliness that comes through and with interacting and relating.

Conforming is order. Obedience is not always about pleasing and fulfilling one's own ego.

Rebelling, not conforming is found in each raw soul and spirit.
It is strength breaking free.

Knowing and respecting the dignity is value.
Vital in living in harmony with one another.
It should not be taken away, destroyed or killed.

Every living thing deserves its freedom and right to have their own mind and choice.

We are meant to be free, wild, be with nature, organic, original with our flaws.

Beautiful, natural and perfected with Grace.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Gift for all living things

What is our purpose in life?
Like why are we here on earth? 

I was perplexed by a lady whom came to me asking me how to understand her dog.
She was nearly in tears when we talked more about the challenges that she encountered.

Another family wanted to take their pet dogs out. Afraid to be seen, we stuff our beloved animals into suitcases.
As a result of our impatience, we stuff our pets into a bag as if they were presents or part of groceries chores.

We look into the eyes of our beloved pets.
And, we see us in their eyes only.
We forget how much they look up to us to lead them, to protect them, to love them.

More urgently,  we fail to see and read them as individuals soul coming here on earth to teach us and guide us.

The feelings that they have are unmet.
And, when they misbehave, we stick out our canes and threats.

They become more confused and angry.
We become frustrated as  communication breaks away.

Do our animals have a mind on their own?How can they be obedient one moment, and the next, become Gremlins in our backyards?

How can we reach out to these animals whom for centuries have co-habited with us.

What lessons have they come with to teach and help us live a more meaningful and purposeful life on earth??????

Our lost inheritance

We live in this noise polluted, air polluted environment.
Even, our ability to use our innate capability to sense, feel, see be
yond proof is contaminated with doubt and fears.
We become insecure, blinded by greed.
Pulled in all directions.
We loose our focus, we loose sight of what is really important to us.
We are harden with facts, reality.
Left with a empty, skeptical, fearful,
We hide, avoid, run from what is buried.
Our infant heart lost its signal from us. Our Heart is banished to operate in secret.
Our unspoken language slowly disappears from our lives.
Putting away our inheritance.
We loose knowledge that books cannot give us.
The many questions about living becomes more complicated and confusing.
Never to know the answers that we seek are within us.
Lost in a world where our relationships are disconnected and separated.
Not knowing how to be in harmony with nature and animals.
We become helpless like a newborn whose main caregiver is absent.
Till we embrace Heart, we will remain alone, lost, and lonely.
See, how patiently our Heart waits and beckons us home.
Longing to embrace and to be embraced.
Silently, seeking solace inside us.
Gently, asking the sleeping giant to be awaken.
Waiting to be held and natured.

Connect, Relate, Communicate

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Desire to Connect

Our innate desire to connect has brought me 
To understand, to learn, to gain knowledge.
With all the new toys, inventions, 
We hope to amuse, dote on our children.
However, our children and pets have become lonelier.
No one to talk with, play with.
As we have become busier, occupied and unavailable.
We think that a relationship is through, observing, looking from a distance.
We seem to loose our natural instinst to communicate with others, nature and pets.
Thus,  loosing our heritance to connect, love, understand, empathise.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Different perpectives and angles

Looking up, I see an Angel.
Seeing below, I feel the sorrows, struggles of an human of being human.
Sensing within, I am challenged with seeing and not judging.
Knowing becomes not knowing.
Humility, patience, humour.
Knocking on the hearts of the fearful.
Tilting, sliding from side to side.
Riding on waves that washes away my own views of life.
Left me with no reason and meaning.
Searching from inside.
I choose my values over my human nature.
Recognising my worth, dispite the rights and wrongs.
Truth speaking and piercing within.
Subjecting again and again to the lessons of the ridiculous measurements.
I have decided not to participate or join the fun of confusion.
But, stay near truth, hope, faith and love.