Friday 10 October 2014

Our lost inheritance

We live in this noise polluted, air polluted environment.
Even, our ability to use our innate capability to sense, feel, see be
yond proof is contaminated with doubt and fears.
We become insecure, blinded by greed.
Pulled in all directions.
We loose our focus, we loose sight of what is really important to us.
We are harden with facts, reality.
Left with a empty, skeptical, fearful,
We hide, avoid, run from what is buried.
Our infant heart lost its signal from us. Our Heart is banished to operate in secret.
Our unspoken language slowly disappears from our lives.
Putting away our inheritance.
We loose knowledge that books cannot give us.
The many questions about living becomes more complicated and confusing.
Never to know the answers that we seek are within us.
Lost in a world where our relationships are disconnected and separated.
Not knowing how to be in harmony with nature and animals.
We become helpless like a newborn whose main caregiver is absent.
Till we embrace Heart, we will remain alone, lost, and lonely.
See, how patiently our Heart waits and beckons us home.
Longing to embrace and to be embraced.
Silently, seeking solace inside us.
Gently, asking the sleeping giant to be awaken.
Waiting to be held and natured.

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