Monday 15 January 2018

Bonding versus Love

I believe God created bond to protect, keep us connected with him and one another. It is a form of love that wants us to have a sense of belonging... close intimacy ... It helps to nurture the young in animals and humans. However, the bond that keeps friends together...becomes the bond we have for our own flesh and blood. A collection of shared experiences together. So, as soon as trials come along... the bond becomes trying. We become humans with no chest. Got brains but no heart. Got family but no relationship. Can get hurt but no more emotions. We lose the meaning and purpose and the potential of living. We become alienated, empty and restless. Living no mere than the hard cover of a book. We no longer regard our beings as sacred beings. Devoid of what the body of love really means. Now, the real exciting part is our risk to be vulnerable. What makes us known and seen and understood?

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