Monday 15 January 2018

Unbreakable Relationship

It is possible to have an endearing relationship with God. He has decided long ago to teach us how to have lasting relationship. The type where does not depend on what we did, are going to do. The truth is he is such a loving father and mother that wants us to live with him as spiritual beings. Who is willing to get into the mud with us. Who just can't wait to get involve with us. He is never going to abandon us, be angry with us for long. Yet, we are so afraid of him, unsure of his love and mercy. We run.... The only constancy is him. He believes in us so much that he wants to get into our mess with us. He is willing to invest in us. So much that he sent his son to die as a ransom to pay off our debtors. That he wants us to share the gift of eternal life as spiritual beings. To lift us to become heavenly beings. However, we need assurances ...we need to know and know in the very depths of our beings that we are loved no matter what. That we would not be ever abandoned. We are his children and he is our Father. We need to constantly return back to the heart of our father as we are unable to provide for ourselves the graces needed to work on ourselves to learn and grow in maturity in love with one another and God.

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