Monday 15 January 2018

The daily struggles

The daily drama of who is right and who is wrong. The poor me. Why me? I cannot la! The blaming game The above or similar contentions.. Sounds familar and very human. We play the games as our children do Our expections high and acceptance low. Our blood boils the minute things don't go according to plan. We base our actions out of what is in for me or be stepped all over, over giving. We go through extremes ...either ...or We get high and get real low. We feel like victims. We are so impatient, we compare....we think we have to get it right the first time. If not the second. We go into depression. We feel guilty, we feel that we have to carry the responsibilty for others. We allow ourselves to be used....we learn what is boundary. We feel that we have to earn love from others... no matter how others are treating us. We make excuses for them. We forgot that they would never love us the way we want them to. We learn that it is not about us. It is not always our fault that things are not going well. We learn to let go. We are so limited, we cannot get it right or be perfect. We learn to embrace our imperfections and others. We look to Jesus who can embrace us as we are. We learn when to do and when to rest. We learn that routine is good... we need constancy to grow as much as we need changes. We learn of our human state and start to embrace with compassion our imperfections, faults, scars, guilts, obsessions. We carry our crosses and follow Jesus. Then with all the dramas ... we learn that we need boundaries and respect to grow and mature.

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