Tuesday, 13 January 2015

A Mum's Radial

There is no greater love than a happy mother and her contented babies.
Once, there was a mother whom found a 2 years old baby at her doorstep.
She was reluntant to keep the baby boy.
As time passed, she found that the baby boy did not know how to relate, as he was a shy and frightened little soul.
But, one day, something happened, she found a way to help the little baby out of his fears.
Then, came along another boy to keep him company.
But, an accident happened one day and the first boy died.
The mother was so sad and realised the message for her was to love, as her heart was only beginning to open.
There came a pair of beautiful twins. A boy and a girl.
They brought so much joy
...unfortunately, the twin boy died .....
The mother was totally devasted. She realised that she was missing her twin boy so much and nothing filled the hole that had invaded her heart.
She met an older boy whom could not get adopted.
The series of trials, joy,love struggles,guilt,
got the mother to see that her first baby taught her about love,
the second taught her about the reality of the nature of living things and we don't always get the things we want.
The third pair, her boy twin taught her about not fighting back and being vulnerable and to see that as beauty rather than a weakness.
Now, after looking out, picking up, cleaning up, for 4 years.
The mother was ready to care with patience, lesser yellings, saying i am sorry, i love you, to assure, to say here i am.
The mother found herself being able to sense when her kids were in danger like fighting...... urinating problems, when to give attention.
The trust between them to call back and forth for attention and care.
Basic trust are tested on.  Boundaries are part of that process of building a healthy relationship.
Not to please the mother but to be able to say and speak one's heart without guilt and shame.
To be heard with no judgements.
Henceforth, she, the mother was given a radial which could look out for her kids whether she was sleeping, working.
An invisible radial that has no boundaries or time and age.
Beyond the borders of words, deed, feelings, impatience, tiredness.
A new border of love has emerged to protect, care, respect and love.
Thus, healing and embracing each other's soul and spirit.
Beyond time and into essence.

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