Monday 12 January 2015

Fallen 2

Hurts are unintentional. Forgiveness not quite as many it should.
Looking deep makes its way for the fake smiles to be apparent.
Becoming tolerant of bad habits and attitudes.

Frequency of forgiveness increases.
Chances are opportunities to choose.
Harsh words are wounded people's soul's crying out.

An extra mile to a wounded heart brings peace immediately.
An inner joy, a keeper'S to hold on to.
Melting the toils of stone hearteDNESS.

With the goal in mind, that Anything is Possible.
To love is to put back thatsmile on someone's face.That who may not have given that smile when should.

Embracing, those along the road.
Sensing that everyone's needs are the same.
Fallible, weak and sometimes senseless.

Courage to pick up any remaining pieces and walk again.
Knowing that we are on a journey.

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